Thursday, January 31


I wanted to learn all the names today, instead I saw plenty of new faces. Vivien Mackie, a Cellist and AT teacher, came to the school, as did Daniela, Shiromi and Phil. We had to perform today, and that surely made me a bit nervous.

I had my turn after the break with Margaret, doing table work. She asked me about my semi supines and noticed the changes while I was describing the focus of my attention during this part of the work.

Kaz played his cello in the first group session, which improved after some of Vivien's suggestions. Playing an instrument seem like a good opportunity to focus on the mean-whereby instead of end-gaining. Each song has its own tempo, and each note can be lived out.

I recited Goethe's Faust and noticed some habitual patterns emerging from this observed speaking situation. The throwing back of the shoulders and tensing the neck belong to those undo-able reactions. With a slump (or what felt like it) and bended knees it worked much better.

I started at least the document for my homework, time to read now the man himself.

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