Thursday, September 11


David used his waiting time to give me and Michael some chance for hands-on exercises, before I started exploring the difference in perception of movement when I 'did' my directions in contrast to just think them. I wonder whether it helps the process to communicate the increase in precision of proprioception exactly, something to ask a teacher.

We made loud noises again, after exploring the relation between breathing and the movement of the tailbone. Our body moves a lot in any given moment, which makes integrating the relevant information into a connected image a challenging task.

I started the performance session off, and felt significantly less nervous when doing so. I went smoothly through the first half, and then became self-conscious again, or rather lost my intention a bit. Penny reminded me of the bad habit to do more than needed with my tongue. Allowing it to stay in the front of my mouth stopped me from swallowing tunes at the end of a phrase, and certainly increased my fun while doing it.

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