Tuesday, May 25

grey autumn day

learning to walk again,
learning to talk again,
feeling old and unknown pain,
always rewiring my brain.

a moment cannot be captured,
but you can open up to it.
if the connection is ruptured,
you can still open up to it.

with leaving behind certainty,
i can only win more clarity,
and with tender loving care
receive what's really there.

destruction, nurture and creation
keep the wheel of life in motion.

Monday, May 10

Research and development

Exhibiting my tensegrity sculptures on the Arts Market in Fitzroy turned into an interesting experience, another opportunity to learn to fail with grace. Christian placed me between a woman selling rings and pendants made of molten glass and a soon to be physiotherapist who enjoys designing his own apparel.

My car was packed with masses of sculptures lying on each other, I was surprised that nothing got entangled and only two towers disintegrated beyond immediate repair. After I met with Christian, I carried the display boxes to my little square, and started carrying a selection of my sculptures over.

My first stall appeared in a rather raw style - I want to cover the boxes the next time, and without any price tags the commercial availability wasn't too apparent. All in all, the display was a bit overloaded as well, not too mention the fact that the wind toppled some of the towers over in regular intervals.

There weren't too many visitors on this Mother's day, so I had plenty of opportunities to chat with my neighbours. I hope that a little bit more investment to display my tensegrities better is needed, and I think I just found my entry level product - a collapsible icosahedron.

A name can help as well - Alexander Tensegrities, Can touch this!, Lenny Golightly... Would be good to find a muse to come up with a name.