Monday, March 17

More Yoga

While having a turn with John I noticed that my hips still don't move too much. The idea of letting "my tail down", however, helps preventing the shortening of the lumbar region. Although I know now more about the roundness of my shoulders, and that my arms are attached to
the front of the body, I still to manage to shorten myself laterally.

Even though we just went through 4 or 5 postures in the yoga session, it felt a lot like a workout. The difference between just copying the postures somehow, and staying directed while doing them does not fail to amaze me once again.

During the second group session we talked about Kaz' frustration, possibly due to the lack of explanation why AT works at all. Jenny, as a virgo, does not think that "energy systems" are involved, but has no problem working with people who do think so.

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