Tuesday, May 6

Free won't

I enjoyed the conversation with Bronwyn during our turn. I shared my enthusiasm about Jeff Schwartz's book 'Mind & Brain' and explained some of the implications of neuroplasticity for our work. I felt quite positive after David mentioned that I'm getting out of the pattern of misuse of my shoulders. Bronwyn's hands balanced my body so delicately that I could feel the weight travelling down to my heels, getting in and out of the chairs easily.

Razia's C&C session appeared more like a group therapy session than a commmunication training. However, it focuses on the how instead of the what, and the gentle approach proposed by her simply works out well in most cases. We discussed the 'inner critic' as partner work, a bit of interaction after lots of passivity.

However, besides two half turns Jen did some table work with me, while Robert supervised and helped her. This gave me enough up not to feel tired after school.

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