Thursday, May 1

Doing less

Margaret attested a positive change in my use since monday, and I feel like I managed to do less with shoulders and hips. I surprised myself observing a funny behaviour when stopping to walk: I put the hips forwards, as if to put the breaks on. I have to resist the temptation to find an alternative doing to counteract this habit, not doing will do the job.

Jenny's groupwork dealt with sound production and hands-on while doing so. I had a chance to observe Tony, Maria and Jane with my hands. Using my hands on other people still overstimulates me, so that I won't notice too much. However, the activity of muscles on the top of the head when moving the palate surprised me a lot.

I sang Mackie Messer again, this time with Penny as teacher. Dancing turned out near impossible, especially as I confirmed my negative attitude (I can't dance) before even starting, although it improved the singing. I have to think about ways of moving while performing, otherwise i might get stuck in an Alexander student stiffness.

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