Monday, February 4


On mondays we have a closer look at Yoga as group work. I will give up my plan to be familiar with all the names, and instead trying a get to know each new face when they are around. Three AT/Yoga teachers besides David came into school today, and I had a first session with Joe. I noticed that I can easier "scan" through my body, and it no longer surprises me too much to recognise "non-local" effects. However, I still anticipate the teacher's movements, which might make it hard for learning teachers to work with me.

Doing yoga while giving directions and getting quality feedback feels entirely different from my prior routine. Intention and attention transform Asanas into tools for introspection, yet I still have to unlearn the end-gaining attitude I developed towards yoga. But then, some things take time.

The first group work session consisted of the monkey (again :), the universal tool for doing the teachers work.

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